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Definition by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.


Samuel is a character in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament, uniquely depicted as having served several roles, as judge, military leader, seer, prophet, kingmaker, priestly official, and loyal servant of Yahweh. He is traditionally thought...
Samuel Adams
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams (1722-1803) was a prominent Patriot leader in the American Revolution (1765-1789), and a Founding Father of the United States. He was one of the most vocal opponents of 'taxation without representation', was a founding member...
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
Article by William Brown

Old Testament Pseudepigrapha

The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha are the non-canonical writings of Judaism and Christianity ranging from the 5th century BCE to the 9th century CE. Pseudepigrapha comes from a Greek noun denoting writings with a false superscription or name...
Women in the New Testament
Article by Rebecca Denova

Women in the New Testament

Women in the New Testament are presented for the most part along the contours of both Jewish and Greco-Roman concepts of the social construction of gender roles. Women’s value to society was in their role in procreation. There are some exceptions...
New Testament Text-Types
Article by Peter Kauffner

New Testament Text-Types

The books of the New Testament were written in the 1st century CE. As Christianity spread in the 2nd century CE, many copies were made, some by non-professionals. Early manuscripts are considered to be closer to the original than later manuscripts...
King David
Definition by John S. Knox

King David

According to biblical tradition (and some say myth), David (c. 1035-970 BCE) was the second king in the ancient United Kingdom of Israel who helped establish the eternal throne of God. A former shepherd, David was renowned for his passion...
Samuel Bellamy
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Samuel Bellamy

Captain Samuel Bellamy, aka 'Black Sam' Bellamy (d. 1717), was a British pirate active during the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730). Bellamy’s final ship Whydah was wrecked off Cape Cod in a storm, and the pirate captain drowned along with...
Women in the Old Testament
Article by Rebecca Denova

Women in the Old Testament

Modern practitioners of Judaism and Christianity often turn to the Bible for stories concerning women and their roles in ancient religion and society. It is important to acknowledge that these stories were written by men. The male perspectives...
Commentaries of the Analects of Confucius
Image by AlexHe34

Commentaries of the Analects of Confucius

A copy of Zhu Xi's commentary on the 'Analects' of Confucius, printed during the Ming dynasty.
Sassanian Kings List & Commentary
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Sassanian Kings List & Commentary

The Sassanian Empire (224-651) was the greatest expression of Persian culture in the ancient world. It was consciously modeled on the earlier Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) which established Persian supremacy in the region and developed...