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Visual Guide to Ancient Roman Gods & Heroes
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Visual Guide to Ancient Roman Gods & Heroes

This gallery is a visual guide to Roman mythology. It includes some of the more influential or popular deities, heroes and spirits from Roman mythology, and their identifying features. Roman mythology was a collection of legends and traditions...
Reconstructions of Medieval Castles & Fortifications
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Reconstructions of Medieval Castles & Fortifications

This image gallery showcases several digital reconstructions of medieval castles, keeps and fortifications built throughout the Middle Ages. These defensive structures were built to ward off invaders and act as centres of government. Castles...
Reconstructions of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Reconstructions of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

This collection features reconstructions of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World; from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to the Colossus of Rhodes. Out of the Seven Wonders, only one is still standing today - albeit in a damaged state - the...
Reconstructions of UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Reconstructions of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

This gallery presents six digital reconstructions of UNESCO World Heritage Sites threatened by forces like climate change, terrorism, and urbanization. Included are sites ranging from Jerusalem to Micronesia, with dates spanning from antiquity...
Between Alexander & Rome: The Hellenistic Period
Collection by Patrick Goodman

Between Alexander & Rome: The Hellenistic Period

The Hellenistic Period refers to the time between the death of Alexander the Great (323 BCE) and the rise of the Roman Empire (32 BCE) in which Greek culture spread throughout the Mediterranean and Near East. Beginning with a series of conflicts...
Gallery of Chariots in the Ancient World
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Gallery of Chariots in the Ancient World

The chariot was the premier weapon of war in the ancient world for more than 700 years, and was adopted by empires such as the Hittites, Egyptians, and Assyrians. Chariots were used not only in warfare, but also for sport, particularly...
Sports in the Ancient Mediterranean
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Sports in the Ancient Mediterranean

Sports and athleticism was a cornerstone of life in the ancient Mediterranean. Hunting, dancing, gymnastics, and charioteering were favorite sports of the elite in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The Greeks and Romans were especially...
Ships in the Ancient Mediterranean
Image Gallery by Mark Cartwright

Ships in the Ancient Mediterranean

The Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans all prospered in the ancient Mediterranean thanks to their mastery of the sea which allowed them to fish, trade, win naval battles and establish new cities far from their own coastal waters. In...
Cups in Antiquity
Image Gallery by Mark Cartwright

Cups in Antiquity

Cups were a part of everyday life in the ancient world, just as they are today but craftworkers and artists were often challenged to use their talents to produce especially decorative and beautiful examples. In this gallery of 24 images we...
Marine Life in Ancient Mediterranean Art
Image Gallery by Mark Cartwright

Marine Life in Ancient Mediterranean Art

Throughout the history of the ancient Mediterranean artists were always keen to express their appreciation of the bounty of the sea. Marine life of all kinds, real and imagined, was frequently depicted on frescoes, pottery, mosaics and coins...