Search Results: Carnac


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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Carnac, located on the north-west coast of France, is the site of the largest concentration of megalithic monuments in the world. Over 100 monuments, which include burial mounds, stone tombs, enclosures, and linear arrangements of menhirs...
Carnac Alignments, France
Image by Mark Cartwright

Carnac Alignments, France

A section of the Carnac Alignments in north-west France. These granite stone menhirs were placed in long parallel lines sometime between 5,000 and 3,000 BCE. Their purpose was most likely as markers of processional ways and sacred places...
Carnac Stones
Image by Nicolas Raymond

Carnac Stones

Stone megaliths at Carnac, Brittany, France.
Kermario Dolmen, Carnac
Image by Mark Cartwright

Kermario Dolmen, Carnac

The Kermario Dolmen at Carnac, north-west France. The granite structure was created as a burial chamber and would have originally been completely covered by an earth mound. The megaliths of Carnac were built between 5,000 and 3,000 BCE.
Menhir Alignments, Carnac
Image by Mark Cartwright

Menhir Alignments, Carnac

A section of the Carnac Alignments in north-west France. These granite stone menhirs were placed in long parallel lines sometime between 5,000 and 3,000 BCE. Their purpose was most likely as markers of processional ways and sacred places...
Granite Menhirs, Carnac
Image by Mark Cartwright

Granite Menhirs, Carnac

A section of the Carnac Alignments in north-west France. These granite stone menhirs were placed in long parallel lines sometime between 5,000 and 3,000 BCE. Their purpose was most likely as markers of processional ways and sacred places...
Large Menhir, Carnac Alignments
Image by Mark Cartwright

Large Menhir, Carnac Alignments

A section of the Carnac Alignments in north-west France. These granite stone menhirs were placed in long parallel lines sometime between 5,000 and 3,000 BCE. Their purpose was most likely as markers of processional ways and sacred places...
Definition by Salvatore Piccolo


A dolmen is a megalithic structure typically formed from a large horizontal stone slab resting on two or more upright slabs. The oldest European examples are found in Brittany, northern France, and date to the 5th millennium BCE. Dolmens...
Neolithic Variscite Necklace
Image by Mark Cartwright

Neolithic Variscite Necklace

A variscite necklace from the Neolithic site of Carnac, north-west France. (Archaeological Museum of Carnac)
Neolithic Axe Heads
Image by Mark Cartwright

Neolithic Axe Heads

Axe heads of jadeite and eclogite from the neolithic site of Carnac, north-west France. (Archaeological Museum of Carnac)