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Fionnuala Collins as Grace O'Malley
Image by Loose Gripp Films

Fionnuala Collins as Grace O'Malley

Fionnuala Collins in Grainne Uaile: The Movie (2021) © Loose Gripp Films
Saxon Wars
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Saxon Wars

The Saxon Wars (772-804) were a series of conflicts between the Franks under Charlemagne, who sought to conquer Saxony and convert the populace to Christianity, and the Saxons who resisted. The conflict lasted over 30 years through 18 campaigns...
The Year of the Four Emperors & the Demise of Four Roman Legions
Article by Donald L. Wasson

The Year of the Four Emperors & the Demise of Four Roman Legions

During the Year of the Four Emperors (69 CE), the fight between Vitellius and Vespasian would ultimately bring about the demise of four legions, the XV Primigenia, I Germanica, IIII Macedonica, and XVI Gallia. All four of these legions had...
Legions of the Rhine Frontier
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Legions of the Rhine Frontier

After Julius Caesar’s (100-44 BCE) conquest of Gaul, Roman legions pushed the borders of the Roman Empire’s frontier to the banks of the Rhine River. Augustus (r. 27 BCE - 14 CE) divided the newly acquired region into three provinces: Gallia...
Legions of Mesopotamia, Cappadocia, & Arabia
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Legions of Mesopotamia, Cappadocia, & Arabia

As the Roman Empire expanded further eastward, annexing territories that were once the domain of the Parthians, the legions of Mesopotamia, Cappadocia, and Arabia were called upon to safeguard these newly acquired territories. Mesopotamia...
Clovis I
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Clovis I

Clovis I (or Chlodovech, 466-511/513 CE), king of the Franks, is considered the founding father of the Merovingian Dynasty, which would continue for over 200 years. Clovis became king at the age of 15, and by the time of his death 30 years...
Legio V Alaudae
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Legio V Alaudae

Legio V Alaudae, referenced in early accounts only as the "Fifth", was one of the many legions of the Roman army that helped Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE) to achieve success as a military commander in Gaul, Spain, and Africa. Later stationed...
Tomb Robbing in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Tomb Robbing in Ancient Egypt

The tombs of the great kings and nobles of Egypt were built to safeguard the corpse and possessions of the deceased for eternity and yet, while many have endured for thousands of years, their contents often disappeared relatively quickly...
Legions of Spain, Roman Africa & Egypt
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Legions of Spain, Roman Africa & Egypt

The legions of Spain, Roman Africa, and Egypt did not see the intensity of action that prevailed elsewhere in Europe. However, the presence of these four legions - VII Gemina, IX Hispana, XXII Deiotariana, and II Traiana Fortis - was still...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Lombards were a Germanic tribe that originated in Scandinavia and migrated to the region of Pannonia (roughly modern-day Hungary). Their migration is considered part of "The Wandering of the Nations" or "The Great Migration", which was...