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Martin Frobisher
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Martin Frobisher

Sir Martin Frobisher (c. 1535-1594 CE) was an Elizabethan adventurer and explorer who embarked on three expeditions in the 1570s CE to chart the waters of the North American Arctic and find the Northwest Passage to Asia. Unsuccessful in these...
Martin Bucer
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Martin Bucer

Martin Bucer (l. 1491-1551) was a German reformer and theologian who had been a Dominican friar and priest until converted to the Protestant vision by Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) c. 1518. Bucer is best known for his focus on unity among...
Martin Luther
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Martin Luther

Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) was a German priest, monk, and theologian who became the central figure of the religious and cultural movement known as the Protestant Reformation. Even though earlier reformers had expressed Luther's views, his...
Martin Luther's 95 Theses
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Martin Luther's 95 Theses

Martin Luther's 95 Theses of 31 October 1517, although they have since come to represent the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, were not written to challenge the authority of the Roman Catholic Church but were simply an invitation to...
Medieval Indulgence & Martin Luther
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Medieval Indulgence & Martin Luther

The medieval indulgence was a writ offered by the Church, for money, guaranteeing the remission of sin, and its abuse was the spark that inspired Martin Luther's 95 Theses. Luther (l. 1483-1546) claimed the sale of indulgences was unbiblical...
Martin Frobisher by Ketel
Image by Cornelis Ketel

Martin Frobisher by Ketel

A 1577 CE portrait by Cornelis Ketel of the mariner, explorer and privateer Sir Martin Frobisher (c. 1535-1594 CE). (University of Oxford Collection)
1521 Excommunication of Luther: Complete Text
Article by Joshua J. Mark

1521 Excommunication of Luther: Complete Text

In response to Martin Luther's 95 Theses, as well as his other works, Pope Leo X sent a papal bull threatening him with excommunication in June 1520. Luther publicly burned the bull at Wittenberg on 10 December 1520 and was officially excommunicated...
Martin Luther in Front of Thomas Cajetan
Image by Ferdinand Pauwels

Martin Luther in Front of Thomas Cajetan

The painting Martin Luther in Front of Thomas Cajetan by Belgian painter Ferdinand Pauwels (l. 1830-1904), depicting the 1518 disputation between Cardinal Thomas Cajetan and Martin Luther in Augsburg.
Martin Luther
Image by Sergio Andres Segovia

Martin Luther

Portrait of Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546 CE) by Lucas Cranach The Elder, 1529 CE The painting hangs in the choir of St. Anne's Church, Augsburg, next to a portrait of the Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony.
Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms
Image by Emile Delperée

Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms

Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms, coloured engraving by Emile Delperée (1850-1896).