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Tibetan Book of the Dead
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Tibetan Book of the Dead

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is the English translation of the Tibetan texts known as bar-do thos-grol (Bardo Thodol) – “Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State” – and serves as a guide for the soul of the deceased after...
Minoan Civilization
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Minoan Civilization

The Minoan civilization flourished in the Middle Bronze Age (c. 2000 - c. 1450 BCE) on the island of Crete located in the eastern Mediterranean. With their unique art and architecture, and the spread of their ideas through contact with other...
Theseus & the Minotaur: More than a Myth?
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Theseus & the Minotaur: More than a Myth?

Until Sir Arthur Evans unearthed the palace of Knossos, the half-man-half bull killed by Theseus was considered just a popular legend; archaeology changed that perception. King Minos, of Crete, fought hard with his brother to ascend the...
Exploring Western Crete's Archaeological Treasures
Article by Carole Raddato

Exploring Western Crete's Archaeological Treasures

As the cradle of European civilization and a meeting place of diverse cultures, Crete is a magical island that stands apart in the heart of the Mediterranean sea. Its prominent place in world history dates back to the mysterious and fascinating...
Legends of the Rollright Stones, Oxfordshire
Article by Brian Haughton

Legends of the Rollright Stones, Oxfordshire

The Rollright Stones is the collective name for a group of enigmatic prehistoric monuments located next to an ancient ridgeway known as the Jurassic Way, on the border between the English counties of Oxfordshire and Warwickshire. The name...
Pottery in Antiquity
Definition by Cristian Violatti

Pottery in Antiquity

Pottery is the first synthetic material ever created by humans. The term refers to objects made of clay that have been fashioned into the desired shape, dried, and either fired or baked to fix their form. Due to its abundance and durability...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Knossos (pronounced Kuh-nuh-SOS) is the ancient Minoan palace and surrounding city on the island of Crete, sung of by Homer in his Odyssey: “Among their cities is the great city of Cnosus, where Minos reigned when nine years old, he that...
Dragoons in the English Civil Wars
Article by Mark Cartwright

Dragoons in the English Civil Wars

Dragoons were hybrid cavalry-infantry troops during the English Civil Wars (1642-1651). They usually dismounted before fighting and were used primarily as support troops. Dragoons were frequently tasked with capturing and holding strategically...
The Dolmens of Sicily
Article by Salvatore Piccolo

The Dolmens of Sicily

It is a well-known fact that Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean sea, went through a quite complex prehistoric period. So much so that it is difficult to navigate through the muddle of people that have followed each other over...
Black Kettle
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Black Kettle

Black Kettle (Mo-ta-vato/Mo'ohtavetoo'o, l. c. 1803-1868) was a chief of the Southern Cheyenne who became famous as a "peace chief" – seeking peaceful relations with the US government – as opposed to war chiefs such as Roman Nose (Cheyenne...