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Petition of Right
Article by Mark Cartwright

Petition of Right

The Petition of Right was a list of demands of King Charles I of England (r. 1625-1649) issued by Parliament in June 1628. The petition came after three years of disagreements between the king and Parliament over finances, religious matters...
Popham Colony
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Popham Colony

The Popham Colony (1607-1608 CE, also referred to as the Sagadahoc Colony) was an English settlement established in the present-day town of Phippsburg, State of Maine, USA, in August 1607 CE. The expedition which founded the site was comprised...
1628 Petition of Right
Image by Unknown Artist

1628 Petition of Right

The 1628 Petition of Right, a list of curbs on royal power produced by Parliament and directed against King Charles I of England (r. 1625-1649). (UK National Archives)
19th-century Drawing of Weetamoo
Image by John Frost

19th-century Drawing of Weetamoo

Drawing of Weetamoo (l. c. 1635-1676) from page 48 of Frost's Pictorial History of Indian Wars and Captivities by John Frost, 1873.
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Side (pronounced see-day) was a city on the southern coast of Cilicia (modern-day Turkey) first settled in the 7th century BCE by immigrants from Cyme, an Aeolian municipality to the north near the kingdom of Lydia. Its name means 'pomegranate'...
Rosetta Stone, Right Side
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Rosetta Stone, Right Side

This is right side of the Rosetta stone. We can recognize an English text carved on this side. The text reads "Captured in Egypt by the British Army in 1801". The Rosetta Stone is a large almost complete fragment of a grey-pink granodiorite...
Statue of a Female Sumerian Worshipper from Khafajah [Right Side]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Statue of a Female Sumerian Worshipper from Khafajah [Right Side]

Limestone statue of a Sumerian female in a gesture of prayer. The eye sockets were filled in with white shell set in bitumen. She wears a Sumerian garment with a bare right shoulder. Her hair was carefully carved. Side view, right. From the...
Statue of a Sumerian Male from Khafajah [Right Side]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Statue of a Sumerian Male from Khafajah [Right Side]

Limestone statue of a Sumerian male in a gesture of prayer. He wears the classical Sumerian flounced garment. The head/neck, right upper limb, and both feet are lost. Side view, right. From the Small Shrine at Khafajah (also Khafaje; ancient...
Head of a Sumerian Male from Tell Asmar [Right Side]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Head of a Sumerian Male from Tell Asmar [Right Side]

Limestone head of a statue of a Sumerian male; the rest of the body is lost. The eye sockets are empty but might well have been filled in with a white shell or a precious stone set in bitumen. Side view, right. From the Single-Shrine at the...
Coffin of Sitdjehuti, Right Side
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Coffin of Sitdjehuti, Right Side

Sitdjehuti was a sister and daughter of Egyptian pharaohs. This is the right side of the upper part of her coffin, which was made of gold-plated sycamore wood and stucco. There are hieroglyphic inscriptions. From Western Thebes, modern-day...