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Interview: Circe by Madeline Miller
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Circe by Madeline Miller

Award-winning writer Madeline Miller's newest novel, Circe, tells the story of a sorceress who was once the onetime lover of the wily Odysseus. The heart of the novel is, nonetheless, that of a woman's yearning for self-discovery, purpose...
The Egyptian Cinderella Story Debunked
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Egyptian Cinderella Story Debunked

The story of Cinderella is one of the most popular in the world. In the west, it has enjoyed a continuous following since its revision and publication by Charles Perrault in 1697 CE but the tale of the young heroine, unjustly forced into...
Circe by Madeline Miller
Image by Madeline Miller

Circe by Madeline Miller

Circe by Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
Image by Nina Subin

Madeline Miller

Madeline Miller, author of Circe Photo by Nina Subin
The Canterbury Tales
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales (written c. 1388-1400 CE) is a medieval literary work by the poet Geoffrey Chaucer (l. c. 1343-1400 CE) comprised of 24 tales related to a number of literary genres and touching on subjects ranging from fate to God's...
Medieval Trades
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Medieval Trades

Medieval trades were essential to the daily welfare of the community and those who learned a skill through apprenticeship could make a higher and more regular income than farmers or soldiers. Professionals like millers, blacksmiths, masons...
Madeline Miller reads from her new novel Circe
Video by Bloomsbury Publishing

Madeline Miller reads from her new novel Circe

The truth is, men make terrible pigs.' Watch @MillerMadeline read an extract from her new novel #Circe.
Olmec Colossal Stone Heads
Article by Mark Cartwright

Olmec Colossal Stone Heads

The stone head sculptures of the Olmec civilization of the Gulf Coast of Mexico (1200 BCE - 400 BCE) are amongst the most mysterious and debated artefacts from the ancient world. The most agreed upon theory is that, because of their unique...
Cynisca of Sparta
Definition by Philip Mathew

Cynisca of Sparta

Cynisca of Sparta (b. c. 440 BCE) was a Spartan royal princess who became the first female Olympic champion. Defying the traditional role of women in ancient Greece, she competed in the Olympic Games alongside the men and won. Her triumph...
Pilgrimage of Grace
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Pilgrimage of Grace

The Pilgrimage of Grace is the collective name for a series of rebellions in northern England, first in Lincolnshire and then in Yorkshire and elsewhere between October and December 1536 CE. Nobles, clergy, monks, and commoners united to...